『ゼノブレイド2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック』初回製造分DISC2修正版無償配布の申し込み期間について
以前よりお知らせして参りました通り、『ゼノブレイド2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック』初回製造分DISC2修正版無償配布のお申し込みは2021年6月30日(水)23:59を持ちまして終了させていただきます。下記対象商品をご購入されたお客様で、まだお申し込みがお済みでなく修正版を希望されるお客様は、お手数ではございますが下記ページよりお申し込みくださいませ。
・Amazon.co.jp限定 豪華CD音楽コンプリート盤完全生産限定(SBPS-0025~30)
■『ゼノブレイド2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック』初回製造分DISC2不具合のお詫びと修正版無償配布のお知らせページ:
修正済ディスクをお持ちのお客様からのお申し込みが増えております。修正済ディスクにはディスク盤面の「SLEIGH BELLS」ロゴの横に◆印がございます。お申し込み前にご確認をいただけますと幸いです。

『ゼノブレイド2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック』特設ページ
Notice regarding the application deadline for receiving a copy of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Original Soundtrack Corrected Disc 2 (only the initial editions of the soundtrack apply)
As announced previously, the application time period for the Corrected Disc 2 for the first editions of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Original Soundtrack will end on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 11:59pm (JST). For those who purchased either of the 2 editions listed below and if you have not yet applied for your Corrected Disc 2 please send in your application before the deadline has passed.
■ Applicable Editions:
・Amazon.co.jp Exclusive Deluxe CD Music Complete Limited Edition (SBPS-0025~30)
・Normal Edition (SBPS-0031~35) *Only the initial shipment of copies
■ The page explaining the issue regarding the first editions of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Original Soundtrack and explaining how to apply for a Corrected Disc 2, as well as our sincere apology, is below:
* The reception period for applications ended on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 11:59pm (JST).
While the application page is only available in Japanese, anyone around the world is able to submit their information and apply for a Corrected Disc 2. If you have any questions regarding the application process in English, please contact us using our CONTACT form.
We have begun receiving applications from those who already have the Corrected Disc 2. If your copy of Disc 2 has a "◆" mark next to "SLEIGH BELLS" then it is already a Corrected Disc 2. Please check your Disc 2 before submitting your application.

Please note that free copies of the Corrected Disc 2 are not available for those who purchased the soundtrack secondhand, such as from an auction service. Also, please note that if you have already received your Corrected Disc 2 that you will not be able to re-apply for another copy of the Corrected Disc 2.
Currently, due to measures put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there have been delays in shipping copies of the Corrected Disc 2 to those who successfully applied for one. We will not send you a confirmation email after you have submitted your application, so please keep the email from Google informing you that the form was sent. In the case that you have applied successfully for a copy of the Corrected Disc 2, we will notify you by email when your copy has been shipped.
For inquiries:
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Original Soundtrack Special Site
http://www.procyon-studio.co.jp/special/xenoblade2/ *Only available in Japanese